
Stunning mobile-first videos in minutes.

Choose from thousands of mobile-optimized video templates and start making video ads that convert.

Shakr Template Library

Choose from thousands of templates created by professional designers.

Create unique, high-quality videos for all of your campaigns with thousands of ready-to-edit creative templates at your fingertips.

What makes Shakr Template Library
stand out from the competition?

Designed for maximum effectiveness across differing contexts and verticals

Uncompromising creativity and design quality produced by pro designers

Responsive templates designed to work in various aspect ratios

Optimizations per each social media platforms for organic impression

Shakr Video Editor

Create videos for all social channels in minutes.

Making a video is drag-and-drop easy with our online video editor. Use your own assets, or take advantage of the integrated stock library with over 3 million high-quality assets. Automatically resize your videos to multiple aspect ratios with a single click.

Easy and friendly UI for drag-and-drop video editing experience

Over 3 million high-quality free-to-use stock library

Video Export

Export your videos to social media with just a click.

Directly export videos to your Facebook and TikTok business accounts from Shakr without hassle. Have other places you need your video? Just download the video file and use them however you'd like.

Download and use your video across paid and owned media

Export your final videos to social media at the click of a button

Trusted by the world's best marketing teams.